Friday, September 21, 2007

education city

these are pictures taken around education city. obviously, the whole place is very much under construction.

Texas A&M's building. They manage engineering.

The convention centre, in progress.

Cornell's building, they run the med school.

The ceremonial court, as seen across the "parking lot".

A mural on the side of one of the buildings.

Qatar Foundation headquarters. Qatar Foundation is the group responsible for this whole educational enterprise. It is headed up by one of the Emir's wives.

Some of the surrounding buildings. Mostly, it is surrounded by desert but in some places there are houses, as you can see.

The side of the building housing the gym, pool, basketball courts, etc.

Just some gardens.

More gardens.

The LAS building. It is the temporary home to both CMU and Georgetown.

A blurry picture of the iftar dinner at the university last night. Taking pictures isn't always ok, so it was a hurried and discreet affair.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Damn. The place looks gorgeous. Maybe I should've gone ....